Monday, 18 January 2016


Did you know that drinking Cumin seeds first thing in the morning as a tea or sipping cumin tea all day can assist you with suppressing your appetite and helping you burn fat easily? This is no hype at on?

I was bored the other day and doing my favourite thing which is watching youtube videos of hair Vloggers and I bumped into a video of an indian hair vlogger who was talking about Cumin seeds for weightloss. I remembered that I have seen Cumin seeds at the supermarket so I clicked on it to see what it was all about.

You can watch the video here

Cumin seed or Jeera is a nutty, slightly peppery seed predominantly used in Indian and Middle Eastern Cuisine. In India, it is regarded as a spice and used for cooking meats, spice foods and make curries..

In a recent study of 78 men and women testing showed Cumin as effective as prescription drug Orlistat (Xenical) for weight loss, without the nasty side effects. Over the 8 week trial, those receiving Cumin lost an average of 2-3 lbs – better than those taking Orlistat.

Another recent research study a Shahid University (more below) tested women on a controlled diet who were given cumin powder vs placebo and found the women given cumin powder lost 3 more pounds, and decreased their body fat % almost 15% vs less than 5% for the control group.
The dosage tested was 3 grams – or about 1 teaspoon of cumin powder daily, mixed with yogurt.
Abdominal Fat Burning
Both of these studies showed that not only is cumin great at overall helping your body not to build and store fat, but it’s specifically good at targeting your abdominal fat.
Conclusion:Cumin is not a magic diet pill but it does appear to be as effective for weight loss as popular prescription diet drugs, and have other health benefits with minimal negative side effects
Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides 
In the study at Shahid University, those taking cumin lowered their triglycerides 23 points and nearly 10 points off their LDL cholesterol levels.

Improve Mental Health with Cumin
As mentioned, cumin is also beneficial to mental health. It can help you improve your memory and sharpen your concentration skills(4). It’s commonly suggested to use cumin in your daily diet if you suffer from any kind of insomnia, too.

Digestive system
In Indian cuisine it’s commonly combined with a number or other spices, such as ginger, fenugreek, black pepper and turmeric powder. This helps increase the effect that it has on your digestive system and helps your body absorb more nutrients, which in turn helps prevent your body from storing fat(6)
Cumin is an amazing source of iron, which is important for ensuring a healthy digestive system. It helps your body produce energy more effectively, carry a healthy supply of oxygen to the tissues in your body, and improves your immune system.
Arthritis, Asthma, and more
Cumin has also been proven to help those who suffer from arthritis, asthma and kidney disease.
Side Effects
This study of cumin (5) with subjects taking up to 20 grams of cumin daily showed it was “well tolerated with no significant adverse side effects.

Add Cumin to your diet

If you want to try adding Cumin to your diet for weight loss, you’ll need to carry some with you during the day since it works best taking it 3 times a day.
Add to recipes, or foods like YogurtIn one of the studies demonstrating the best weight loss results, the test subjects mixed cumin powder in their yogurt, so that is a good option for many people.

You can also follow the easy method of boiling 1 teaspoon of cumin in water and drinking as tea first thin in the morning

You can buy cumin seeds or cumin powder at any indian shop
I get mine from Park n shop Victoria Island OR Emjays supermarket on Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island

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