Thursday 30 October 2014

The Lazy Diva's Way to Lovely Skin

If you are like me, you may get lazy when it comes to skin care and make up. I find them really tasking and too much drama for me to bear…..Not only is it overwhelming with so many products and product lines available, it can also be time consuming.
Here are a couple of tips that can help Lazy divas.
1.       Stay hydrated
Drinking water is the best thing you can do for your skin. Especially if you live in a very humid country as I do. Sometimes I feel so hot that the thought of placing cream on my skin just feels so not right as the weather aside from making you hot, makes you sweat. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day….or more if you are active.
Better still head to  and calculate just how much water you need for your bodyweight and height.
2.       Wash your face twice a day.
This is one of the first of Skin Rules by Dr. Debra Jaliman and she swears by it. You need to wash your face twice a day- morning and night before you go to bed. This will get rid of the debris, make up and pollutants your skin has been exposed to during the day. I always ensure I cleanse my face at night even after a fun night after indulging in alcohol and I’m feeling too exhausted to take makeup off. Wipes are handy at this point and I use simple cleansing wipes which contains no harsh chemicals or irritants.
3.       Exfoliate! Exfoliate! Exfoliate!
Exfoliating your skin regularly can bring new life to your skin and improve the results of your skin care routine and rejuvenate your skin. Aside from helping to clear buildup, acne and breakouts, it improves your skin texture and clarity by removing the tired and dead cells and speeds up the skin renewal process. Your complexion can turn from dull and dry to bright, vibrant and smooth. It can also help by reducing ageing process. I swear by Origins Never a dull moment face scrub.
4.       Load up on Fruits and Vegetables
Beauty is skin deep and what you eat can determine how you will look so aim to eat a diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Drink nettle tea, green tea, burdock and peppermint teas. If you can get the fresh leaves for your tea, that would be excellent.  Eat foods like strawberries, blueberries, almonds, loads of tomatoes, watercress, fennel, red grapes, beetroot, tofu, brown rice, beans, kale, avoado, garlic, alfafa sprouts, broccoli, eggs, artichokes, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, mackerel, salmon, oysters and pumpkin seeds. Try incorporating some of these into your diet
5.       Protect your Skin from Sunrays
I hate sunlight. Not only does it affect my eyes, it burns my skin so I avoid exposing my skin to it. Aside from the vanity of not wanting to get sunburnt, skin cancer is a common source of cancer in women so it is very wise to use a sunblock when you know you are going to be under the sun for more than 10 minutes. If you hate wearing sunblock, aim to use it on the days you know you will be exposed or use an umbrella, hat, sunglasses and pashmina to protect yourself.
6.       Moisturise
I made this last as this is the part I hate…..aim to moisturise your skin each time you wash it. In other words, twice a day. This is because no matter how much water you drink daily, your skin can get parched, so a good penetrating moisturiser will give your skin a more youthful appearance. I tend to prefer an oil free moisturiser as it is lighter. I use Origins zero oil moisturiser

Wednesday 22 October 2014

How to Love yourself better!

I think every girl/woman need to love herself regardless of whatever paths or circumstances she may have chosen or found herself in because we will never be able to achieve much until we learn to love ourselves.

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who truly loves herself. Truth is, no matter your height, color and looks,  nothing is more beautiful than a self loving personality whose actions and personality depicts love, grace and kindness. Learning to love ourselves despite what the world may throw at us, is the singular, most beautifying action you can ever do for yourself.

Learn how to meditate

In order to love yourself, you have to connect with the inner you. Set aside some time on a daily basis to simply ‘be’, and truly benefit from the gift of meditation, self reflection or contemplation. Remember, No woman is beautiful if she is stressed out.

Learn how to listen to your intuition

Oestrogen is the hormone, which allows women to be especially in tune with our intuitions. As you get to know yourself better, your gut feelings will also become clearer. Listen to the signs that tell you how you feel about things; graciousness lies in the connection between intuition and action.

Learn how to accept your looks

Even supermodels have days when they are dissatisfied with their looks. It’s part of human nature, often as a sign that we are neglecting either our mental or physical health, to occasionally feel unattractive.  Accepting your looks, is a different matter however, and a trait, which will do more for you than any magic potion or surgery can.

Learn how to take care of your body

Your body is your temple; it is the capsule of your soul and mind. Communicate with it, by observing what makes you feel healthy, and strong. Remember that a body, which does not exercise, is a body not fulfilling its function.

Learn how to manage your finances

Whether you can afford a personal bookkeeper or not, staying on top of your personal in- and outgoings is crucial to your confidence. You are an independent woman, you came into this world alone, and to be frank, you will leave it alone. Don’t leave something as important as your finances, in the hands of another person.

Learn how to be kind

As much as we are independent, we are also co-dependent. We need other people in all elements of life, from daily service transactions to friends that we can share our lives with. Kindness is therefore a key to a happy life. As you do upon others, so will be done upon you.

Learn how to enjoy sex

Female sexuality is one of the most over-debated and misunderstood topics of our time. It’s no wonder that many of us begin to think of a sex as a chore, or a conundrum. The key to enjoying sex is in learning that you have every right to express yourself sexually. There is nothing to be ashamed of in asking for what you want in bed.

Learn about your sisters and mothers

Women are like branches of a tree; we have all come to be from the same roots. We are perhaps, even more co-dependant than men, because typically we connect with our emotions rather than our minds. Find out about those particular women that have paved the way for the lifestyle you lead. Starting from your mother, to your grandmothers, to the women that made a difference in your town. These are the mother’s of your mother’s of your mother’s.

Learn how to communicate with God

This is the most important of all and I have kept it as the last. Whichever God you believe in, there are feminine attributes to your religion, which you particularly should seek out and learn how to use. Every individual woman should find her way to connect to the divine feminine too