Tuesday 27 May 2014


So, if you have been following my blog, I am a health freak, constantly obsessed with all things health related and I have tried almost every diet that exists. And yet I have constantly been plagued by acne. . I have done cleanses, detoxes, eaten fruits mostly, taken pills, tried different skin care products all in my quest for clear skin, yet to no avail. I have even had laser peels and microdermabrasion and yet, no major change in my skin.

That was until I went on the Whole30 Journey.

The Whole 30 Plan is a 30 day program that  is designed to change your life within 30 days. During the 30 days on the Program, you regain a healthy Metabolism, reduce systematic inflammation and discover the foods that are truly impacting on your health, fitness and quality of life.

During those 30 Days, you do not consume any of the following:

NO SUGAR                                                                          NO DAIRY           

NO ALCOHOL                                                                     NO WHITE TOMATOES

NO TOBACCO                                                                    NO ADDITIVES e.g. MSG

NO GRAINS                                                                        NO SCALE!!!!!!



So I started the Whole 30 by buying ‘It Starts with Food” by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig and amazingly, unlike most diets I have been on, I found it quite easy to follow, despite the fact that on first glance the meals appear too limited. I could have as much yam, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and plantains as I wanted. I could also have bacon and sausages (though I gave up on looking for sausages as here in Nigeria there are a lot of strange additives in our food). I could also have a big steak, fish, salmon, chicken, snails, guinea fowl and even pork! What’s there not to like? I also got to try loads of vegetables.

Aside from how great I felt, one of the things I noticed almost immediately was that my face cleared. I mean, I who have suffered from acne since adulthood, stopped breaking out .And then the ones that existed started reducing in size and have almost disappeared. And I noticed these changes right from Day 3. Its made me realize that between the grains and dairy I gave up, I am intolerant to something that was making me inflamed and I just have to cut it off from my diet. There I was, this whole while, thinking that my acne was caused by hormonal issues!

I’m still on my Whole30 Journey and I am on Day 9 now, according to the Timeline, this is when I will start to get bored with my foods, but I intend to stick to it the whole 30 dys. I have even found a way to socialize whilst on whole30….I just have a watermelon smoothie .I am really excited about this new way of eating and intend to follow through.

For those interested in further reading, Please check out whole30.com

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