Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Benefits of Pilates!

I used to do Pilates before but gave up on my classes when I became a Slot....that happens to the best of us despite our good intentions!

I've recently picked up my classes again, as I am working on getting a more divalicious banging body - in other words, I've put on some weight in order to get a more curvy body so I decided to pair my body changes with Pilates to make me look leaner, taut and toned.

So really, one may ask, what is Pilates and what are the benefits? Is it worth your while?
Pilates is a physical fitness system which was developed in the early 20th Century by Joseph Pilates. It consists of Mind-body, Core strength and Core stability exercises which are the keys to a healthier life through mindful movement and Pilates. Pilates is a favorite amongst a lot of celebrities and well versed fitness fanatics like Miley Cyrus, Madonna, David Beckham, Hugh Grant, Vanessa Williams etc.

It's a safe system of mind-body exercises using a floor mat and a variety of equipment. It can dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creates a sleek, toned body with Slender thighs and a flat abdomen. Quite frankly, who on earth doesn't want that? Aside from looking good, it teaches you body awareness, breathing techniques, improves flexibility, agility and motion and can even alleviate back pains.

Once you decide to try Pilates, the next question is where to find a class. Here in Nigeria, you can find them at
Health and Fitness Clubs - I believe Four Points Gym offers some classes
Pilates Studios and;
Wellness Centers.

I personally attend a Pilates Studio in Victoria Island, led by my very able Pilates instructor, Veronica, who is a no-nonsense little woman who amazed me by snapping her body back to form within 3 months of giving birth.
If you prefer solitude,  the flexibility of working out alone and have a hard time sticking to a regularly scheduled class, you can get a Pilates video or go online to sites such as youtube.com and download Pilates videos. Remember to start with Beginner videos. To get your Pilates accessories such as mats, fit balls and foam rollers, you can  visit Jumbo gym shop at Bishop Oluwole street, Victoria Island.

How regular should your sessions be?
A famous quote from Joseph Pilates is 'After 10 sessions you will FEEL a difference, after 20 sessions you will SEE a difference, and after 30 sessions you will HAVE A WHOLE NEW BODY!

In other words, 3 sessions a week is excellent to get the results you want and within 3 months, your body will be transformed. I do 1 mat class and 2 machine classes each week, but if you're just starting,  start with mat classes as the machine classes are very sadistic!!!!

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