Thursday, 19 June 2014

Suffering from constipation? Natural ways to aid bowel movements

Hi Everyone!

Today's conversation is going to be about poop! Now stop scowling your face, there's no human being that exists without pooping and the only way you stop eliminating is if you're dead.

Well so many clients usually complain to me about their lack of bowel movements in a day, whereas a healthy person ought to be eliminating at least 2 or 3 times a day. Here are a few natural ways you can help your body have a regular movement.

1. Prunes

Prunes are not only rich in antioxidants but they can actually transform your bowel. System overnight.  Prunes contain oodles of nice yummy fibre which gels up when mixed with your bodily fluids and then loosens your stool. Aside from helping constipation it can help satisfy a sweet tooth without causing a spike in your blood sugar levels.

2. Aloevera Gel

This is an excellent and effective way to curb stubborn bowel movements. The most effective way to take it is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Aloevera gel also helps heal damage that has affected your stomach lining.

3. Apples

You can find apples at almost every street corner and in traffic so don't complain! Apples contain fiber and is also a low glycemic index fruit ie. it does not affect your blood sugar levels. The high levels of Pectin works within your body helping to bind excess toxins and flush them out.

4. Water

We all know we should aim for 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Aside from keeping us hydrated and flushing out toxins from our bodies, water helps lubricate the intestines thereby ensuring that our bowels are working the way they ought to. This ones very achievable, so people, kindly start sipping! It's for your own good!

5. Probiotics

I bet most of us have come across this word before but have no clue what probiotics do for simple terms, probiotics put back the good bacteria into our bowels. When you take antibiotics they are usually tough on the stomach lining and end up killing both our good and bad bacteria. I hear most people complain after completing a dosage of antibiotics they are unable to use the toilet. Probiotics will heal. Your guts and reform your good bacteria.

6. Hot Pepper

Yes you heard right! Eating loads of peppers fresh along with your meals will aid in having a bowel movement. Aside from containing loads of antioxidants that attack cancer cells, they tend to be spicy and irritate the stomach thereby making you seek relief by using the toilet. 

So, if you are currently suffering from constipation, try out one or two of these remedies and of cos, do come back and let me know if it worked for you!